So, a man walks up to a political candidate and asks that candidate question. The man is immediately pounced by supporters of the candidate acting like bouncers at a downtown bar. He is put in a headlock and dragged away from the candidate. Did the scene I describe occur A) 1930's Germany during the Rise of Hitler, Fascism, and the Nazis or B) Yesterday, in Virginia USA? If you picked either answer you are correct.
When a member of our democracy is physically attacked by supporters of a political candidate with no provocation, but to ask a question, however inappropriate, what would you call that? I call it FASCISM. All these people are missing are the Brownshirts, jackboots, and swasitkas. While their agenda might be slightly nativist in nature, their real hatred is for freedom. They abhor Freedom of dissent, free speech, free thought, and freedom of and from religion. Everyone should be and think like them, and if you dont prepare for the beating of your life.
Dont believe they hate freedom and they arent the Jeffersonian Conservatives yet? Did you know the President now has the power to control the National Guard of your state without you or your governors consent?
Disgusting isnt it Marcus, i've been calling them fascists and nazi's for years, their rise to power and tactics mirror the nazis so closely its scary.
To boot, the guy is a Marine Vet. The MSM played their usual role, talking about the Senator's safety. The fix is in already in Va. On e-voting machines in Fairfax and Falls Church(All Dem strongholds)and Charlottesville(A sizable student pop. w/ UVA and the site of your referenced assault) the machines cut out Webb's(combat Marine) name on the confirmation page. The explanation? "His name is too long".
Don't expect an iota of change on Nov. 7th. Except on the latest casualty list and Halliburton's profit list.
I heard that also but couldnt they have come up with a better lie than that, his name is 4 letters long, they dont get much shorter than that.
Karma's a bitch and senator macaca and his goon squad is UNEMPLOYED
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