Sunday, October 14, 2007


I wrote....ummm I mean I found a Bible that says the Holy Land of Jerusalem was promised by God to my family. I therefore now have a legitimate claim to land in the Holy Territory of Jerusalem.

The passge reads:
"...and this guy begat and so on and so forth. Daniel beget Marcus, Marcus beget Hunter and this land of promise shall hitherforth belong to those, whom I, God, demand are the descendants of Carl, Daniel, and Marcus Byrne."

So, you see because I wrote...I mean found a book of my religion, which I have just made up, I now have legitimate claim to anything this religious text says. Just as the Jews proclaim in their genocide and apartheid of the Palestinian people.


Human said...

Yeah, and when I try to tell people that while the Holocaust was horrific, it was an act committed many times before and is ongoing.

I then give as an example, the passage where the Israelites are told to slaughter every Man, Woman and child of the Canaanites. Of course you know who "told" them to do that.

Human said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Human said...


Human said...

Hey, someone is sending spam from your email account. It came with a bunch of addresses from your email list.