Thursday, March 03, 2005

I think I'm going to move to Austrailia...

Ever had one of those days were you cant win for losing? Well it seems like I have one every week that just lasts for seven days. Let's just go with today's 'Series of Unfortunate Events' and let me tell you 'Alexander' would be very proud of my 'terrible horrible no good very bad day.'

I woke up and missed physical training, which is not a big deal because I was told that we didnt have it this morning because we usually dont on fridays. Well some officer got the gumption to hold "Officer" PT and I was left out. Then I get out to my car, in front of my house, to find it ransacked and $500-600 worth of gear stolen from it. So, that's always a great way to start the day. Then I learned today that the army has the most assinine support system in the world. If you want to take advantage of a situtation to get your soldiers some training on a weeks notice forget it. The beauacracy will beat you down with a vengeance. All I needed was a military vehicle to transport me, 3 soldiers and 4 weapons 40km to a firing range. This proved to be an impossibility in a 7 day work week in the GUNNER Battalion (yes the same one from the movie). Apparently for petty reasons we couldnt get a TMP and then you have to have a years notice, a note from your parents, the Holy Grail, an autographed picture of David Hasselhoff, and executive authorization to fucking dispatch a goddamn HMMV. AAAGGGGGHHHHHH.

That's alright they won this battle but the fucking pencil pushers and pogues wont win the war. To paraphrase McArthur I will crush them.
If you have any questions read the title of the blog...

So how do you deal with failures like this...You get really angry and you just say fuck it, I'm just going to be one of those guys that checks the boxes and doesnt think outside of them or try to take advantage of a good opportunity. I'll only stick to the plan...Then the overachiever takes over and youre fine again.

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